The Amber Crane by Malve von Hassell

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Many treasures come from the sea. In Sweden, the Baltic Sea is the source of amber. Amber has many uses and is carefully regulated. Since most amber is collected on the beach, a simple stroll along the beach was forbidden. Frustrated by a bad day as an amber apprentice, Peter Glienke goes for a walk. He realizes he is on the beach without permission but doesn’t care. When he hears the beach patrol coming, he hides under a tree root. As he tries to edge further under the roots, he finds two pieces of amber. Should he turn these pieces in? The local laws say he should turn it in.
Peter simply cannot bring himself to turn it in even though he knows he is breaking the law. In his mind he can envision what could be made with each piece of amber. He knows the danger but decides to keep the pieces. Holding the amber he falls asleep and has the strangest dream. Is his conscience trying to tell him something?
What will happen to Peter and his family if his amber is discovered? Can Peter keep this secret at any cost?
Malve von Hassell is a superb storyteller. She combines two historic periods creating a unique historic fiction/time travel tale. Her ability to paint scenes with her descriptions engages you, instantly transporting you into the story. She entertains and educates the reader page by page. This is a creative and well researched book.
I would recommend this book to fans of historical fiction involving wartime life. This book will also appeal to people that enjoy time travel stories like “The Time Traveller’s Wife”.
My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Additional thoughts: I loved the novelty of his story. It has vivid realism combined with the fantasy of time travel. I was concerned with how the book would end. Many time travel stories end with the main characters trying to deal with the sad separation of time. This ending is beautiful, touching, and perfect. I loved it!