The Splendid And The Vile by Erik Larson

World War II began in 1939. In May of 1940, The House of Commons decided that the current Prime Minister wasn’t equipped to lead them during the war. Winston Churchill became Prime Minister. He is a legendary orator, credited with keeping the British people encouraged throughout some of the worst bombing ever experienced by anyone. […]

A Touch of Deceit by Gary Ponzo

I won this book from GoodReads. This is the book that has introduced Gary Ponzo’s character Nick Bracco who will appear in subsequent books. In this initial offering, Nick Bracco is asked to help find a Kurdish terrorist who has a score to settle with the United States. This terrorist decides to fire missiles at […]

The First Actress: A Novel of Sarah Bernhardt

By C.W. Gortner Sarah Bernhardt is an icon of theater. She was born to a “demimondaine” who left her in the country in the care of a farmer’s wife for the first years of her life. When reunited with her mother at the age of 8 she had no formal education and few social graces. […]