The Wayward Reader

Book reviews

Your Driver Is Waiting by Priya Guns

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Damani and her mother are going through a rough spell. Damani’s father was killed at the cafe where he was a cook. His unexpected death devastated them. Damani has to shoulder her family’s bills and other expenses being the only child. She drives for an app and with all the bills, she needs to drive many more customers than before. The people responsible for the app complicate Damani’s goal by paying drivers less and giving them fewer hours. How will she ever pay all the bills? Her mother is deeply grieving, adding to Damani’s burden. Damani cooks for her mother, carries her to the bathroom when she can’t walk, and encourages her to get up and move. Damani begins to heal. She meets a person she becomes interested in and they begin a relationship. Damani feels guilty for moving on when her mother continues to grieve. Damani’s life begins to improve but her mother is still struggling. After Damani’s new friend makes an unforgivable mistake, how does her world change? Will this mistake cost Damani everything?

Priya Guns’ main character Damani initially seems lost. She and her father had plans to buy a food truck and operate it together. Her father’s death ended that dream. She is uncertain what the future will hold with her beloved father gone. Her mother is having some type of breakdown and can’t help Damani by working. Damani resents being saddled with so much responsibility and chafes at her new role as head of the household. As many young adults have remarked, “adulting is hard”. Whether she is ready or not, Damani is coming of age, exploring a new relationship, and trying to map a way forward for her and her mother. It is messy, as life can be. Damani is likable and slightly self-centered. She makes mistakes and is flawed but learns to cope with her new life and alongside her mother, they move on.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻/5