The Wayward Reader

Book reviews

We Came Here to Shine by Susie Orman Schnall

I received this book from a GoodReads giveaway.

Set in 1939, this lovely novel follows the experiences of two young ladies, Maxine Roth and Vivi Holden. Having suffered career disappointments, both become friends after attending a lecture on women’s empowerment. They vow to help each other curb their faults and achieve success.

What a refreshing book! It is wonderful to see the two female main characters not back stab or undermine each other. These two ladies support and encourage each other as true friends. Adding to the story is the backdrop of the World’s Fair. People have come from far and wide to view the exhibitions. Instead of using the fair as merely a scene, the author places most of the action in and around the fair. She describes the exhibits in vivid detail as though she had actually attended.

These young ladies are at an interesting point in history. Women are no longer content to be housewives and yearn for more in life. Max wants to be a reporter and Vivi wants a leading role in Hollywood. Max feels she is able to report as well as any man. Her boss at the fair feels otherwise. Vivi has been loaned to the fair instead of starting the filming of the movie she was to star in. We follow them through their time at the fair as they grapple with disappointment. Each lady works through her difficulties to emerge stronger and more aware of her capabilities.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: So many books depict women in unflattering ways. It is wonderful to read about female friendship and support.