The Wayward Reader

Book reviews

Vanessa Yu’s Magical Paris Tea Shop by Roselle Lim

I received this book from a GoodReads giveaway.

Vanessa Yu is a third generation Chinese clairvoyant. At the age of three, she made her first prediction, much to her horror. Since that time she has avoided looking into teacups yet the predictions still come. She tries to avoid speaking them but no matter how hard she tries, they still have a way of coming out. Over time she has realized that she can tell whether it’s a good or bad prediction by the taste she gets in her mouth. Good flavors are good predictions. After predicting the demise of her cousin’s marriage while at the wedding, she decides she needs some help from the other family clairvoyant.

Vanessa travels to France with her aunt and the magic begins. In this charming story, Vanessa struggles to decide whether to accept what fate appears to give her or to seek her own future without fate. There is a wonderful family in this story, the Yu family, who has a vibrant cast of characters that could easily sustain an entire series. This family loves each other. They care about all members and meddle lovingly in each other’s lives. What a fun family!

Roselle Lim has captured the charm of Paris in her descriptions of Parisian locations. Her real talent, however, is in describing the fabulous food that is featured throughout the book. Delicious pastries, charcuterie plates, sushi, and even Italian food are detailed with the devotion of a true foodie. While reading this book you will be entertained and hungry.

Vanessa realizes that she indeed can have the life she longs for, with help from fate.

My Rating: 🌻 🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: This story is sweet and loving. It is a testimony to having a big, loving family in your life. It’s also a wonderful look at Paris and the importance that food can play in our relationships. If you haven’t gone to Paris, this story will certainly make you want to go!