The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Thriller

Under Her Spell by C.K. Cerra

Pulisher: Random House

Length: 368 pages

Publication Date: September 10, 2024

In her senior year of high school, Liv and her family move to a new town. She starts her senior year knowing no one. As the new girl, Live becomes a target for rumors and gossip. One of the groups in school are a mysterious group of three girls that are rumored to be witches. Liv is curious about them after a strange encounter with their leader but finds a true friend in Sam. As they navigate senior year, Liv and Sam become close friends. They plan to room together in college until they have a significant argument. Liv tried keeping in touch with Sam but Sam never reached out, until now. Sam sent Liv a note stating that she needed Liv’s help. The unusual nature of the note stirs Live to action. Liv returns home hoping to help Sam. Upon her arrival, Liv learned that Sam is missing. Frightened for her friend, Liv begins unraveling Sam’s recent activity to find that she had been living in a house with the “witches” from high school. Liv’s concern for Sam’s safety grows as she fails to find an answer about Sam’s whereabouts.

Under Her Spell examines female friendship at several stages of life. Is the bond between women truly something special? The mother/daughter relationship between Liv and her mother has changed with Liv leaving home. Liv was shielded from her father’s anger by her mother. Although Liv’s father was gone, his presence and memories of his abuse of her mother continue. Why did her mother endure such treatment? Searching for her friend and returning home provides Liv the opportunity to examine her life and decisions. She has time to make changes in her life provided she recognizes her opportunity.

K.L. Cerra’s book is well-written. This is the first book I’ve read by this author. The character Liv is an interesting woman working hard to sort out the jumble of her life. I hope she succeeds in sorting things out and finding her friend. The circumstances of this story are clever and imaginative keeping the reader interested page after page. Paranormal fans will find this book a refreshing and innovative story. Cerra’s combination of paranormal and suspense is a winner for readers.

Thank you Random House, NetGalley, and K.L. Cerra for the advanced reader’s copy. What a gorgeous cover!

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻/5