This Work Of Darkness by Lucretia Grindle


Publisher: Casa Croce Press

Length: 410 pages

Publication Date: January 16, 2025

The Salem witchcraft trials are not the usual type of historical fiction. Most historical fiction I receive is WWII related. This was a nice change. This is the second book in a series by Lucretia Grindle. I did not read the first book, it isn’t necessary to enjoy this book and the characters. The author Lucretia Grindle breathes life into a topic that seems cut and dried. Resolve Hammond lives in Salem. Her family co-owns a general store with Phillip and Mary English. Resolve is a Puritan name, adopted to fit in with society. Her mother is deceased and her father is busy in England with the business of supplying the store. Resolve works in the store and lives with the English family. In her twenty years of life she has lived with an Indian community and now with Puritans. Life in the colonies is ever-changing.

Ann Carr Putnam is one of the customers at the general store. Each time she frequents the store, some item goes missing. A dispute will put the Putnams against the English and Hammond families. Young girls are claiming to be bewitched. Before this can spread, the elders of the community, including the Putnams, must determine the cause. Resolve wants to see what the girls are doing to be declared bewitched. She doesn’t realize her interest in these girls could be viewed as satanic. As the witch fascination spreads, a request for help is sent to Cotton Mather. He can recognize witches and will help discern those who have lost their souls to the devil. Resolve is well-known by shop customers. Can she maintain her innocence given the fever gripping the town?

This coverage of life in Salem is very well written and researched. While facts have long been known about the trials, Lucretia Grindle gives the reader more than dates and names. Her descriptions of the store, clothing, food, and people bring this era alive. The dialogue explains how and why people became so wrapped up in the madness of the time. Resolve is intelligent and walks a fine line in the Puritan community. As a character, she is someone you understand and want to succeed. Lucretia Grindle shows how group hysteria can overwhelm and envelop a community. This is an excellent historical, psychological thriller that history buffs and horror fans alike will enjoy.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻/5

Thank you to Lucretia Grindle, Casa Croce Press, Book Whisperer, Shaun Loftus, NetGalley and BookFunnel for the advanced reader copy.

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