The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Christian Fiction

The Space Between: Book 1 of The Space Between Trilogy by Shawn Brink

I received this book to review from the author.

Hunter had been having the same horrible dream for the past five nights. He did not want to experience it for the sixth night. According to his dream, he needed to find a hundred-year-old woman in a hundred-year-old store guarding a hundred-year-old door. Why? Could this place really exist? He decided to try to find the hundred-year-old woman he had been dreaming of. Once he satisfied his curiosity perhaps the dream would end. As he left home for work, his wife watched him from their bedroom window. He turned right instead of left and she knew something was amiss. Nora called his office number where Hunter had left a message stating that he was home ill. She didn’t suspect him of cheating on her but had no clue as to what he was doing. Nora decided that she would talk to Hunter when he came home. She was unaware of Hunter’s dream but had been having unusual dreams too and decided to see if the place she had been dreaming of existed. I am stopping here. I do not want to reveal how Nora and Hunter end up in exactly the same place. It is at this location that the story truly begins.

The Space Between is a Christian fantasy novel. Shawn Brink is an imaginative writer that tells a captivating story about our relationship with God. Believer in God or not, this book will cause you to pause and examine your beliefs. It offers an original and unique perspective of God’s creation and our existence on earth. Many of us find our faith has changed in the post-pandemic world. Some people have deepened their faith while other people have abandoned their belief in God. This novel has a beautiful message – God loves us and He believes in us.

There are some unusual characters in this book and some gruesome deaths. While these will initially seem random to the reader, the pieces will begin falling into place in the final chapters. Hunter and Nora will find strength that they never knew possible and persevere much as we have recently. How do they? Shawn Brink has created an interesting, imaginative story of a couple working their way closer to God. I believe that it will spark conversation about faith, relationships, and our place in the world. This would be appropriate for middle school and beyond and an excellent story for a family read together.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻1/2 of 5