The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Psychological Thriller Thriller

The Safe Place by Anna Downes

I received the book from Minotaur Books.

The Safe Place is a surprising psychological thriller. Set in the French countryside, the Dennys have a two-house property. Mrs. Denny, Nina, is restoring one of the homes to become an artist’s retreat or guesthouse. She stays with her daughter and could use a helper and companion.

Emily Proudman is an aspiring actress. In between auditions, she works to pay rent and eat. Her current job is as the receptionist in an office. She lacks the skill necessary for the job but gives it a try. After returning late from lunch, she is fired. How will she pay her bills?

A chance meeting with the CEO of her former employer reveals that he is looking for a helper/companion for his wife and daughter. Intrigued, Emily accepts the job. At first she is blown away by the luxury of her new residence. She doesn’t know how to renovate a home but Nina shows her how. Emily proves to be a quick study. Friendship between Nina and Emily grows.

Why is the main house off-limits to Emily? Why does Nina seem so overprotective of her daughter Aurelia? Emily seems to have more and more questions. As her suspicion grows, Emily searches for answers. Nina begins to worry that Emily will find the answers to her questions.

As you read the book you immediately notice that Nina is unusual. As Emily begins to uncover the problems in this family, more and more surprises occur. I really like the way that the author kept throwing you off with weird little clues about the Denny’s daughter. The ending is surprising and sad. This is one book that I don’t want to reveal the ending on. It is one that caught me by surprise. Should you read it, you deserve to have the same surprise.

I enjoyed this book. Anna Downes has a wonderful ability to tell a story. There are a few loose threads in the storyline that I didn’t feel were adequately answered. I am not sure if she intended for the reader to puzzle these out or they were just dropped. This is a great summer read. I look forward to reading the next book Anna Downes writes.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: Some jobs really are too good to be true! What really surprised me was all of the conniving that the Dennys managed both as a couple and singularly. Their capacity to plan and carry out their plans was truly impressive. I know it’s a book but I’m never lucky enough to have all my plans work out. I guess I need to be much more devious. HAHA!