The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Psychological Thriller

The Other Mistress by Shanora Williams

Publisher: Kensington

Publication Date: June 27, 2023

Length: 320 pages

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Prepare to have your mind blown.

Adira owns a prosperous lingerie company that she built from the ground up. Her success funds a lavish lifestyle that Adira and her husband, Gabriel, enjoy. their lives are hectic but they both love what they do. Lately, Adira feels that Gabriel acts withdrawn. He has been leaving the room to text and talk on the phone, what could he be hiding? One morning she decides to follow him. What she discovers is that Gabriel is cheating on her with Jocelyn … and Julianna! Adira can’t believe that he is so tired of her that he needs two mistresses to keep him happy. Will she be able to win him back? Why does she want him after his betrayals?

Through flashbacks, we see into the troubled childhood of Adira. After her mother died, she was fortunate to find a loving foster mother. The author slowly unveils the abuse Adira lived through and the tangled web she is in. How can she stop the other women from tempting Gabriel away from her?

Gabriel is such a perplexing character, he seems to be ambivalent to Adira’s confrontation of his cheating. While he owes his career success to Adira, he doesn’t seem as caring as he should be. Why? Adira wants to know what led him to stray. To what extremes will she go to stop him?

This book does contain some triggers but the author clearly states those. I have noticed that many people are reacting strongly about the topics in this book. Having read the initial warning, I appreciated being prepared. In a matter of a few chapters, Shanora Williams manages to capture sympathy for her character Adira. Such a kind woman should not have to deal with a cheater. Williams should not be trusted! This is a psychological thriller after all. You are about to be shocked, surprised, and blindsided. Shanora Williams understands the genre and it looks like she has her sights set on conquering it.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻/5