The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Psychological Thriller

The Housemaid by Freida McFadden

I downloaded this book from Kindle Unlimited.

Freida McFadden is stealthy. She tells the story of a dysfunctional family with a magician’s touch. While we are led to believe in one reality, another is lurking and is the truth. The main characters are interesting and the circumstances are imaginative. You can sense the growing tension and as the story unfolds, might find yourself astonished by the twists and turns.

Millie really needs a job. She was recently released from prison. Her most recent job ended with her being fired. With no income, she is forced to live in her car. Afraid of what her parole officer might say, she “neglects” to inform her. She interviews for a job as a housekeeper/nanny/cook for a wealthy family. She is to live on-site and is thrilled to sleep on a bed again. Her room is small, in the attic, and has a lock on the wrong side of the door. Why? Her employer, Nina, is difficult to please, moody, and high-strung. Nina’s husband, Andrew, is kind, understanding, and very handsome. When Nina seems aggravated with Millie, Andrew attempts to soothe frayed nerves. Nina seems to target her anger at Millie. Can Millie keep her head down and do her job?

Remember, as you turn these pages, all is not what it seems.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻/5