The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Sci-Fi

The Ferryman by Justin Cronin

Publisher: Ballantine Publishing

Publication Date: May 2, 2023

I received this book from the publisher.

In the ocean, we find several islands grouped together. The main island, Prospera, houses most of the citizens. They live in harmony. There are two classes of people, citizens and support staff. The citizens have health monitors embedded in their bodies and when their health is down to 10%, they retire off the island and return renewed in mind, body, and spirit. Proctor Bennett has helped guide elderly citizens to their renewal for years. He is surprised when he is requested by his father to act as his escort, ferryman, to his retirement. Proctor is also disturbed because he has been dreaming and in Prospera, no one dreams. His father’s retirement does not go smoothly and Proctor is being investigated for this mishandling. Proctor wonders what will happen. While he awaits the conclusion of the investigation, he notices some of the support staff are not doing their jobs. They seem angry and this has never happened. Also, he sees a rogue group called the Arrivalists stirring up the utopia that they are living in. What is causing this challenge to society? Proctor’s father whispered a message to him, what does it mean? Will Proctor be cleared of wrongdoing?

I was astonished to uncover the answers to Proctor’s questions. The creation of this society and its manner of operation is unique. As the dystopian story unfolds there are many surprises and many more questions to be answered. The Ferryman is a vast story that entertains but bogs down as the true situation Proctor is in becomes clear. Perhaps a more straightforward explanation would suffice. I enjoyed the characters and the concept of Prospera but felt the ending needed clarity to take the book to the next level.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻/5