The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Psychological Thriller

Simply Lies by David Baldacci

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

Publication Date: April 18, 2023

Length: 432 pages

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Mickey Gibson is a single mother of two, working from home for a private investigation service, ProEye. She tracks down people trying to cheat on their taxes and those attempting to cheat insurance companies. A colleague contacts her asking for her help to inventory the home of an arms dealer. Mickey is the closest person to the site and the company needs this job accomplished quickly. Mickey agrees to help. She begins the inventory only to discover a dead body with a message in one of the rooms. She notifies the authorities, knowing that it looks suspicious that she is there. She refers the police to her employer but is a person of interest in the case. How can she prove her innocence? Mickey believes that she was set up. The police find that the colleague seeking help doesn’t work at ProEye. Who really sent her to this location? Mickey knows that she can’t sit back and let the investigation run its course. She will conduct her own investigation to solve the case and clear her name. Will she be able to find the killer? Why was this man killed?

David Baldacci is back with another psychological thriller, destined to keep your mind working far past bedtime. I really enjoyed the character Mickey Gibson. She is an honest, hardworking, ex-cop, single mother trying to keep her life from running off the tracks. Why would anyone try to set Mickey up? She certainly has enough going on in her life without this complication. Why target Mickey? Who is the person behind all of this? The antagonist is a slowly evolving mystery. As the circumstances motivating Mickey’s “colleague” come to light, you find yourself surprised over and over. What appears to be motive takes on a new meaning and the reader is left questioning everything. The ending? It is deep, dark, and shocking. This is an excellent book to spend your day with.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻/5