The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Historic

Rhapsody by Mitchell James Kaplan

Rhapsody (ebook)

I received this book from the author.

Indulge me a little, as this is the last post of the year. I am so greatful to all the publishers, editors, authors and fellow readers for my first year of blogging. I have learned a lot. I have much to do to improve my reviews and my blog but bear with me. Reading has always brought me such joy and spending time this year buried in wonderful books helped me deal with the annus horribilus. I am excited for 2021 and all the opportunities it brings.

I love this book! Mitchell James Kaplan has written a captivating book that will charm you and draw you into the early years of Broadway and the development of American music. High society and creativity mesh with infidelity, tolerance, and absence to tell the story of the woman credited with being the first woman to compose a hit musical. After reading Rhapsody, I find myself intrigued by this woman and the era she grew up in.

The story spans the years 1917 through 1937 in the life of Katharine “Kay” Swift Warburg. Katharine was exposed to music at an early age through her father’s part-time job as a music critic. Through her father’s connections, Katharine was able to use her musicality and attend the Institute of Musical Art, now known as Juilliard. Upon graduation, she found employment as a member of the Edith Rubel trio. While performing at one of their bookings, Katherine met her future husband, James Warburg. Coming from a middle-class life, Katharine’s marriage quickly elevated her social status. She became a society wife. Having a domestic staff and no need for employment allowed her the freedom to continue her musical pursuits. Katharine’s husband, James, understood her drive and encouraged her.

From an early age, Katharine’s perfect pitch and musical ability brought certain expectations. The expectations placed upon her weren’t to become a devoted wife and mother. She was expected to become famous in the world of arts. Katharine assimilated these expectations and success became her focus. Unsure of how to achieve musical success as a high society woman, Katharine began her career entertaining the trendy musicians of the day. Through society connections, Katharine met George Gershwin, the man who would alter the course of her life and call her “Kay”. Their collaboration, affair, and business relationship is chronicled throughout Rhapsody.

Mitchell James Kaplan presents the full picture of Kay and George Gershwin’s prolific success. How does their relationship influence music? Kay is a married mother of three daughters. Is there a moment when the achievements are enough? Can you truly find a balance between career and family life?

Rhapsody has a depth of detail, vibrant descriptions of persons and events, and a mesmerizing story. The richness of Mitchell James Kaplan’s delivery draws the reader in and keeps you immersed until the final page. This book will be a new favorite.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: I love it when I learn something new from a book. As a child I learned about so many things simply by reading about them. As an adult, I am excited at the chance to learn more. Rhapsody has me looking into this era with curiosity. Well done Mitchell James Kaplan! Thank you for the book and the exposure to a beautiful era in history.