The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Thriller

Renegade by Nancy Allen

Renegade: An Anonymous Justice novel

I received this book from the publisher, Grand Central Publishing.

Kate Stone believes in the justice system. Her dad was a cop and she is an assistant DA. She is after a man that has managed to evade prosecution for many years. Max James is a predator that abuses women. She loses and as she leaves the courtroom she sees the judge shake hands with the defendant! Leaving the courthouse, she sees the defendant again. Words are exchanged and things get physical. After her role in this altercation is posted on the internet, her boss demands that she seek anger management counseling. Kate has had other outbursts and this is the final straw according to the DA. She decides to go to a group therapy meeting instead of seeking individual counseling.

After the meeting she attends, a man approaches her and talks with her. He is part of an underground group working to right the wrongs the legal system can’t touch. They want to help her. Will she accept their offer or continue to seek justice legally? It is tempting.

Renegade is a mix of Ocean’s Eleven, the Equalizer, Mission Impossible, and Charlie’s Angels. These people have a mysterious leader who funds their exploits. Each member has a unique talent that they bring to the group. Will this group be able to bring justice to an untouchable person? This is the first book in a series being written by Nancy Allen. These characters will be developed in subsequent books and it will be interesting to see how many of the characters in this book are repeated in later books.

The first part of the book is spent acquainting us with the main characters. Not much action and at times, it frankly drags. Hang in there! The action begins and Kate will find herself torn between the activity of this mysterious group and her own agenda. She is grappling with her long-held ideas of justice and it will be interesting to see if she continues to be conflicted. This book is a strong start to an interesting series.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻/5