The Wayward Reader

Book reviews

Play The Fool by Lina Chern

Publisher: Bantam

Publication Date: March 23, 2023

Length: 320 pages

I received this book from the publisher.

Katie True lacks ambition. She tried to be a professional tarot card reader. That didn’t work. She is floating through a series of entry-level jobs that lead nowhere. Life in the city was expensive so she moved back to the suburbs, closer to her parents. Her latest job is in the mall selling knick-knacks. How can she find what is right for her? She is a self-taught tarot card reader with strong intuition and good powers of observation. Katie hopes her tarot cards will show her the path to be on. At work, across the mall is a girl, Marley, that Katie has gotten to know. Marley is the only friend that Katie has. When Marley fails to show up for work, Katie becomes worried. Could Marley be abducted or is she dead? When Katie reports her missing, will the police believe her?

Katie felt like Marley was a good friend. She listened to Katie and offered her advice that made sense. Katie looked forward to the times when they would hang out at lunch breaks. Marley never seemed uptight or worried and Katie admired that. As she answered questions at the police station, they made Katie feel ridiculous. With no evidence of foul play, they will not investigate. Since the police aren’t helping, Katie decides to take matters into her own hands. She will find Marley or find the person that made her disappear. In her search, will Katie endanger herself? Will Marley be located?

This book is fun and unusual. Katie is like a leaf in the water, bobbing along with no purpose. She doesn’t know what she wants to do, nothing seems to capture her imagination. Marley’s disappearance helps Katie come to an understanding of what friendship is all about. How well do you need to know someone to consider them a friend? What are friends willing to do for each other? This charming story examines the elements of friendship, finding your purpose in life, and making peace with yourself. It’s a great coming-of-age story.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻/5