The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Psychological Thriller

My Darling by Amanda Robson

I received this book from HarperCollins Publishers.

Wowza! What a fun/creepy/weird book this is! A married couple, Jade and Tomas, move in to their new home. Next door lives a single, blonde, and beautiful dentist. Jade is immediately suspicious of her neighbor, Emma, and realizes that she must be vigilant. Emma looks just like the type Tomas enjoys being with. Jade decides to be proactive and invites Emma and her boyfriend over for drinks with a special warning for Emma.

Emma is justifiably cautious about her new neighbor. Who invites you over only to warn you to stay away from their husband? Emma decides to minimize her contact with her neighbors just to be safe. At her dental practice, Emma has a new emergency patient – Tomas. His overly friendly manner confuses Emma. Was Jade right to be worried about Tomas straying?

Amanda Robson has written a fun-to-read book. Things are not what they seem and you just never know where the author will take you next. Things are certainly not what they seem to be in this dark story.

my darling has all the creep factor of a good psychological/domestic thriller. Someone will die, someone will go to jail. Did the police identify the correct killer? There is a large margin for error in the police investigation. There are more twists too. For some, the multitude of twists can be too much but other readers will appreciate all the chaos.

I do recommend this book, as I said, it’s full of surprises!

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻1/2

Additional Thoughts: One of my favorite parts of the book occurs at the start. I’ve moved quite a bit and am always interested to see how the neighbors will react. At the beginning of the book, Jade looks up from her driveway to see Emma watching her move in. How typical! Neither has a good impression of the other but they put on the fake polite face to meet. When someone new moves in, everyone in the neighborhood is curious – examining their car, checking out their furniture, watching to see what they look like. You never know what to expect from the people next door. This is such a perfect beginning to the story. Amanda Robson will keep you entertained!

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