The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Thriller

Long Shadows (A Memory Man Thriller) by David Baldacci

I received this book from Grand Central Publishing for an honest review.

This book is part of the Memory Man series. I haven’t read any of the other books in the series, but it wasn’t a problem since Baldacci provides ample backstory in the book’s early chapters. The main character, Amos Decker, is an FBI consultant. He is gruff, and methodical, lacks people skills, and has a 100% solved caseload. Think of a Clint Eastwood type minus the gun. Decker is a former football player who suffered a traumatic brain injury while playing in a football game. The brain injury changed him and left him with some “superpowers”. He now has a perfect memory and synesthesia, a condition that shows murder scenes in the color blue. It is his perfect memory that helps him be successful as an investigator.

Decker hasn’t had a partner for a while. The most recent one transferred. He meets his new partner, Freddie White. She is a single mother living in Baltimore that will be relocating. They barely have a chance to say hello before being assigned to a case in Florida. A Federal judge and her security person have been murdered. As they arrive at the crime scene, they receive a less-than-warm welcome. The local FBI office believes they can manage the investigation without any additional help. Decker seems unfazed by any animosity he receives while Freddie wonders why she has landed as a go-between. As the case continues, Freddie slowly grows to appreciate Decker. He isn’t easy to understand but her appreciation of him grows. This case is not simple and there are several twists that are unexpected and clever. The development of Decker and White’s partnership is very realistic as they learn about each other while solving a complicated case.

One of Baldacci’s strengths is in creating strong, believable characters. Decker is a unique and quirky character. It is not difficult to become wrapped up in this story. Being a fan of so many thriller tv shows, I thought I knew who killed the judge early on. I was biding my time as they finally pieced the clues together to solve the case. Much to my surprise, I was wrong. Baldacci effortlessly entwines the reader into his story and then slowly reveals the ending with maximum impact. He holds your interest from the first sentence to the last, and therefore he is a best-selling author.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻/5

I have a great memory. I’ve always wondered how it would be to have a perfect one. There was a show on tv called “Unforgettable”. Although the lead in the show was female, perfect memory was supremely helpful to the investigator. I know there are downsides and in this book, Decker certainly struggles with a memory that haunts him. This is a great concept. I hope I can find time to read the other books in this series. Decker is quite the character.