Life Has Other Plans by A. Gavazzoni

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
This is the second book in the Where The Road Goes series by talented author A. Gavazzoni. In the first book we followed Ninon/Emma Parker/Marie from the days before WWII as one tragedy after another befalls this poor girl. This book begins with the same major characters that we encountered in the first book. Emma/Minon is the central character again. Several years have passed since the end of the first book and Emma is raising her sister’s son as her own. Emma has used the breaks between cases with the Organization to return to school and earn her degree in Architecture. Working for the Organization is something Emma loves. The danger and excitement help her feel alive. She doesn’t want her son to know her true job so Emma does some work as an Architect but primarily stays busy working for the Organization – a group that seek the Nazi evil among us.
Emma/Ninon is one of the best agents the Organization has on their roster. She is an excellent shot, sniper quality, and never shies away from difficult assignments. To be so effective, she avoids emotion. She does not allow herself to feel, fall in love, or reflect on her lost family. By doing this she can function. Emma’s mentor and friends know that this isn’t healthy. Emma believes she has kept a tight lid on her emotional turmoil for far too long to let it all out now. Her mentor Milan encourages Emma to seek a calm life. Milan explains to her that raising a child, having a spouse, and working at a normal job are all very fulfilling. Emma has locked her emotions away for so long she believes life is far better without them.
After completing a particularly tricky assignment, she is summoned back to headquarters. Her former boyfriend Chris is missing and the Organization is going to go into Russia to find him. Will Emma find Chris? Does the assignment become too difficult? Can she truly discover her feelings for Chris?
The characters in this series are very well crafted. A. Gavazzoni provides charming details of her characters. One character is more interested in hearing gossip than playing cards. She describes a meal and you find yourself suddenly hungry. The skill she uses creating each character leaves a vivid picture in your mind. In the first book we were introduced to the characters and in this book we are now able to learn about their lives before the Organization. Tragedy brings them to the Organization. Tragedy is the main source of Emma’s emotional disassociation. She knows she doesn’t allow emotions but simply can’t understand why she needs them. While searching for Chris, Emma realizes that she does have feelings for Chris. She agonizes over whether he will believe her or not. Can she love Chris knowing all that he wants from life? Would she change her mind?
As in the first book, the story ends teasing of what is to come. Will Emma stay with the Organization or will she try to find and live with the emotions she has so long suppressed? First Emma will have to deal with the pain that she has avoided for so long. As she does open herself up will she lose her ability to distance herself from feeling during an assignment? Emma has evolved but what will the next book in the series bring?
I recommend this book. I strongly advise you to read the first book in the series, Sketches of Life, before this one to be well acquainted with the characters. This story moves quickly and doesn’t waste your time rehashing the previous book. There’s action, violence, sex and mystery – all the things that keep you turning the pages! As I read the first book I really liked the characters. After reading this book, I enjoy the characters even more and will be sad when their story is over.
I believe this is a stronger book than the first one in the series. The characters are more fully developed and the story never lags. Unfortunately there are a couple of spots where editing missed errors but this is minor and shouldn’t take away from the power of the story. As I have watched Emma deal with a particularly tragic life I am very curious to see how her saga ends. Can Emma find happiness in her life or is it fleeting? Will Emma find love and heal from all her heartache? I hope the next book will answer these questions.
My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻1/2
Additional Thoughts: I am a voracious reader. The books I have been asked to review lately have all been fairly dark. The next couple of books I will be reviewing are less intense. With the holidays coming quickly, I think this change will be fun.
I love Christmas and when my kids were young I worked hard to keep their belief is Santa alive for as long as possible. Now that they have families of their own, I find myself touched when my traditions have become part of their traditions too!