The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Romance

Island Affair by Priscilla Oliveras

Island Affair by Priscilla Oliveras

I received this book from a giveaway by Kensington Publishing.

Sara Vance feels like she doesn’t belong in her family. She is the youngest in a family of doctors. A career in medicine never appealed to her. Instead of becoming a doctor, she is a well known social influencer – something her family cannot understand.

After a scary battle with breast cancer, Sara’s mother wants her family in Key West for a family vacation. Sara’s father sternly instructs the family that no one is to misbehave or cause Sara’s mother any stress. So when Sara’s boyfriend is a no-show, Sara is terrified that she will stress her mom out and violate her dad’s edict. What can she do?

As Sara begins spiraling into a meltdown, along comes her savior. Luis Navarro is a “Conch” firefighter, Key West native, who is always helping others. He sees Sara as she tries to figure out how to explain her lack of boyfriend to her family. He offers to help, never anticipating how this kind action will lead to so many changes in his life. As Sara sizes Luis up she begins to wonder if it would be possible to dupe her family with Luis. If this crazy scheme is discovered, would her relationship with them deteriorate even more?

Sparks begin to fly between Sara and Luis. Sara’s family accepts Luis and they both begin to feel guilty for the subterfuge. As Luis is drawn into more and more family excursions, he sees that he’s helping Sara and works to reconcile her with her family. Luis wants Sara to feel she belongs in her family.

While this is a fun and lighthearted look at instant attraction, there are also other elements. Betrayal, envy, and lack of understanding give depth to the book which at first blush appears to be a beach read. Sara and Luis are both trying to move forward in their lives, and by helping each other, will heal themselves.

Priscilla Oliveras does a phenomenal job of describing the loveliness of the Florida Keys. She paints pictures with her vivid descriptions that encourage you to plan a visit.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: This is such a fun book that I wanted to book a trip to Key West. When we are all grappling with changes in this world that no one ever anticipated, it’s nice to escape for a bit with a book like this.