The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Psychological Thriller Thriller

In The Minds Of The Wicked by Warwick Gibson

I received this book from the author.

In North Carolina, six young women have disappeared without a trace. A group called the syndicate has decided to intervene. They are committed to solving this case and delivering justice in their own way. They track crimes and have noticed a pattern after plotting the data. We meet two members of the syndicate – the coyote and the traveller. The coyote is the first contact an area will have with the syndicate. He prepares for the arrival of the traveller. After gathering all information on the case, the syndicate dispatches the traveller to investigate. With his special team and resources, the traveller begins uncovering clues and piecing together a clear picture of the case. In this case, there are three people involved in this awful crime. The traveller begins planning their capture. But even the best plans can’t account for everything. Will the crime be solved? How is justice delivered?

This is the first book in Warwick Gibson’s Traveller series. Gibson is a prolific author, writing under his name and several pseudonyms. This new series of psychological thrillers showcases his imagination and ability to write in a new genre. The concept of a group dedicated to covert justice is fascinating. How did this group form? I imagine this will come to light in future books of the series. His characters are well crafted and interesting. The roles of coyote and traveller are unique. Is the traveller, Eaven, the only traveller? Only time, and the next book in the series, will tell.

Gibson crafts a psychological thriller that draws you into the case at hand. There are many unusual twists and turns in this quick-moving story that will surprise you and keep you interested to the end. With so much intrigue in the first book, it will be exciting to see what new surprises Gibson has for us in the second book.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻/5