The Wayward Reader

Book reviews

Hollywood Park by Mikel Jollett

I won this book from a Facebook giveaway by Celadon Books.

How can someone in their mid 40’s have enough life experience to write their memoir? And why would you want to write your memoir at such a young age? I really wondered what this book could contain. I had not heard of Mikel Jollett, The Airborne Toxic Event, or Synanon. Wow were my opened by this book!

Mikel Jollett was born into the Synanon cult, a once acceptable group that was founded to help addicts recover and learn to lead a meaningful life. Mikel’s father was the addict of the family. His mother lived there in support of her husband. Unfortunately as the popularity and notoriety of Synanon grew, the founder became power crazed and the good intentions of the group transformed into a cult. The cult believed that children belonged to everyone — children of the universe. At the age of 6 months, children were taken to an area where they were raised away from their parents. Occasionally the parents would visit but children were not taught what parents are. Mikel’s mother escaped from Synanon with Mikel and his brother Tony.

Mikel was raised in Salem, Oregon. He and his brother stayed there during the school year but during the summer they stayed with their father in California. Growing up was far from easy as they drifted into trouble, alcohol, and drugs. Mikel struggles with feeling out of place and can’t understand his inability to have a romantic relationship. Over time and with therapy, he is able to find love.

This book is very raw. Mikel looks deep into his soul and at the circumstances of his life without any filter. He realizes what has caused his feelings of isolation and, through difficult soul searching, has begun to build up his self esteem. This book is equal parts heart wrenching and uplifting. It is tragic to witness such a difficult childhood. Mikel has managed to move past the difficulties and become comfortable in his life. He has struggled and has had set backs but perseveres.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: It can’t be easy to bare your soul in front of the world. Mikel has. Reading this book reminds me of how many difficulties people endure without anyone knowing. My heart goes out to Mikel and his family. They are remarkable.