The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Historic

Heretic’s Daughter by M. Lynes

The Heretic's Daughter (Isaac Alvarez Mysteries Book 2) by [M  Lynes]

Michael Lynes returns with a new book in his Isaac Alvarez mysteries. We return to Saville, the site of the Spanish Inquisition and the evil Torquemada. Isaac Alvarez is struggling with the death of his wife and son three years prior. He has vowed to exact his revenge on Torquemada for the death of his wife and he has been biding his time. In the fallout of Torquemada’s persecution of Jewish citizens, Isaac’s best friend was killed and his two children were left without parents. Isaac has welcomed these children into his home and is having his daughter, Isabel, educate the children. He continues working for the king while still hiding his Jewish faith. King Ferdinand has asked Isaac to investigate and find the person or persons attempting to kill Torquemada. Talk about a dilemma!

Adding to his dilemma is the treatment that the Muslims receive in Spain. The Jews are persecuted, unable to practice their faith. The Muslims, also not Christian, are allowed to practice their religion. They desire more and are organizing to acquire power within the government. Why can’t they be happy with the circumstances that they have? Isaac is embroiled in these major issues. Isabel watches her father and decides that she must learn what is motivating him. In doing so she will also learn about herself and hopefully be able to help.

Michael Lynes has found a brilliant way to interest people in the history of Spain. He invites readers into the lively city of Saville and clearly describes the people and surroundings. As we walk the streets with Isaac and Isabel, we learn that the Spanish Inquisition is not the only interesting period in Spanish history. This book draws the reader into the compelling and treacherous world of the Spanish political system and uniting this with the lives of the main characters gives the reader an excellent second book in the series.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: Historical fiction is so much better than history! I really love reading books that lead me into learning more about a subject. My high school history briefly touched on the Spanish Inquisition and Christopher Columbus but nothing else. It is interesting to learn about the fallout of the Inquisition since I didn’t know anything about it. I had said that I hoped Michael Lynes continued to develop these characters and I am so glad that he did. I really like his character of Isabel. She seems to be such a strong and intelligent woman. Maybe the next book will see more of Isabel in action!

Personal Note: I have reached the point in life where my parents are aging. Recently my mother fell and sustained some injuries. She is healing but this was a shock to her and my father. I traveled back to their home to visit. My reading has been set back a bit by the trip along with the arrival of spring. I’m working hard to get caught up so watch out because I have a bunch of reviews to do!!