The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Psychological Thriller Thriller

Her Perfect Life by Hank Phillippi Ryan

Her Perfect Life by Hank Phillippi Ryan

Cassie Atwood went away to college at Berwick when she was eighteen. Before her first semester ended, she had disappeared. The exhaustive search for her ended without any results. Her younger sister Lily grew up with the specter of Cassie. Would she ever be found? Lily Atwood became a television journalist with three Emmys and a beautiful daughter. Her tv persona is very carefully managed by her producer, Greer. The news station wants Lily to be portrayed as being perfect, even though her life was far from perfect. Lily has some things in her past that need to stay private. She finds herself constantly battling to keep her private life private. Lily refuses to have her daughter’s face appear in any “Lily at home” photos. Lily’s daughter, Rowen, is eager to appear on television but Lily tells her producer that her daughter is very bashful. Producer Greer is puzzled over Lily’s obsession with privacy. Being a public persona and having a private life seem to be mutually exclusive no matter how hard Lily tries.

The first signs of trouble appear as Lily wins her third Emmy. Mysterious bouquets of lilies arrive at Lily’s home. Who could be sending them? The anonymous tipster who gave the lead on the story that won the Emmy, appears to be stalking Lily. He called to congratulate her win moments after she received the award and comments on her attire. He’s watching her – but where? Lily isn’t quite sure how to return to her privacy. Her producer is missing and the detective investigating discovers that Greer was looking into Lily’s past. Did the person responsible for Cassie’s disappearance now have Greer?

Hank Phillippi Ryan takes us on a quick paced, stunning ride. She manages to pack so many issues into this story and still keep focus. Personal privacy, illegal drugs, murder, corruption, fractured family ties are all part of this book. While each of these topics is thought provoking, she illuminates the issues allowing the reader to determine their own opinions. Ms. Ryan masterfully wields words like a sculptor carving his work. You will find yourself gripped by the tension of this story and feverishly turning pages long after you should be in bed. Your eyes will burn from lack of sleep as you continue toward your goal of finishing this story. Bottom line – it is completely worth it.

I enjoyed all the twists in this story. I thought I had figured out what happened to Cassie, only to find that I was wrong. This is not a predictable story which makes reading it all the more fun. At the end of the story we know what happened to Cassie, it may not be a “happily ever after” but it ends perfectly.

I haven’t had the opportunity to read all of Hank Phillippi Ryan’s books but after enjoying this one, I know that I will be reading more of her stories. I recommend this book, it is a fantastic gripping story.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thougts: I was really touched by the myriad of feelings that Lily has over locating her sister. Her confusion is very well described. When an author can show me the mind of the character, I am impressed. Many authors try to but never quite make it. This author is experienced and has an effortless way of expression. She has undeniable talent and that is evidenced by the popularity of her earlier books. I am so glad that I was given the opportunity to read an advance copy. I have a new author that I plan to follow.

I read several different genres but thrillers are always a fun category. If it feels like a rollercoaster ride, it’s a good thriller. What types of books do you find yourself enjoying?