The Wayward Reader

Book reviews

Fearless by Fern Michaels

I received this wonderful novel by Fern Michaels from Between The Chapters.

Lubbock native Anna Campbell is a vlog sensation. She has a site that has grown in popularity since she made her first post as a young widow. She has turned her success into a business that pays the bills and puts a roof over her and her daughter’s head. At the insistence of her assistant, she books a trip – a singles cruise. She is terrified at the idea of dating again but decides to try the cruise as a starting point.

Before dinner the first evening, she stops in the bar for a drink. A handsome man approaches her and begins to chat with her. She wakes up the next morning, groggy and realizes that she is not feeling well at all. She returns home early. After reaching out to the man she met on the cruise, she begins a relationship with him.

In this story, Fern Michaels explores the strength of a woman. Anna overcomes grief, starts a business, and raises her daughter by herself. She grows and overcomes difficulties. This new relationship challenges all of her strength. She begins noticing problems in her relationship with Ryan. He is harsh toward his children, berating them in public. He is very rude to staff and those he perceives as servants. Anna tries to explain his behavior as nerves or different child-rearing styles.

After a suspicious accident and theft, she realizes that there is so much about the new man in her life that she doesn’t know. Stepping back from the relationship, she regains her perspective.

Fern Michaels is an author that pays attention to detail and creates a story that is inviting and interesting. The small details she crafts around each character give them a genuine warmth you feel for a dear friend. While this is a stand-alone novel, you do wish that she would bring the characters back. Definitely a sign that this was a great book!

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: My initial thought was that this is another psychological thriller. So many relevant topics are incorporated into this book. It is interesting to see this character so comfortable with the channel that she created but uncomfortable around fans. Fame is achieved so differently now. Social media is a wonderful platform but can backfire in so many ways. Fern Michaels explores these topics without any editorializing.

I read this book in a day and a half. It is a very quick book to read which makes it a perfect escape when you need one.