The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Thriller

Eagle Station by Dale Brown

When America decides to begin mining Helium-3 on the moon, China and Russia decide they must band together to stop American dominance. The China/Russian coalition doesn’t want to tip their hand so they move manpower and supplies to the dark side of the moon where their efforts are not easily discovered.

Private sector defense companies have enhanced fighting capabilities but outer space has not been explored. Lagging behind, the American government races to catch up. What comes next is a nail-biting story about re-developing a space program. Even though manufacturing techniques are much more advanced, it is difficult to gear up for lunar manufacturing.

Dale Brown has written a book that balances politics, private-sector space efforts, and lunar development into an engrossing tale. He weaves SpaceX, Space Force, and the military into a powerful group that manages to keep America safe and strong. The level of detail and description he provides in this book is impressive and it is obvious that Dale Brown has spent considerable time researching. Fans of military/space thrillers will enjoy this book. It will keep you on the edge of your seat.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: This is a great story with plenty of action and intrigue. It lags in the middle part of the story or I would have given 5 🌻. In the current political climate, actions such as those described in the book are certainly believable.