The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Historic

Conquest by David Field

Conquest: A thrilling historical novel set during the Norman Conquest (The Medieval Saga Series Book 1) by [David Field]

I received this book from the publisher.

The Norman conquest was bloody, treacherous, and complicated. This is the first book in the Medieval Saga by David Field. In 1065, the Saxons had three earls that ruled the country for King Harold. The earls of Mercia, Northumbria, and Wessex defended the country with men from the villages in their lands. Trouble was on the way. Duke William of Normandy and Harald Hardrada of Norway both planned invasions. In this uncertain time, only a king with good defenses would remain in power. Could the local forces defend their country? Earls are the providers of manpower. They take the strong and healthy men from their area to defend the country. It is not a matter of loyalty to the crown. The earls like to find themselves on the winning side and to do this they have to maneuver their warriors accordingly.

While the men were in battle, the women were at home. Having babies, caring for the elderly, and providing food. Farming and hunting also became the job of the women. They had to learn to live off of their efforts. Village life was difficult and as the series continues it will be interesting to see whether their conditions improve or not. Does the political flip-flopping change life significantly or are the earls the only ones that feel the effects? If the fighting continues, the loss of life will begin to impact village life. This story has all the potential to develop into a compelling saga covering all aspects of the early Saxon life. In the first book in the series, the author sets the stage and introduces the key characters and places.

The political fluctuations are well described in this book but understanding the motivation of the earls isn’t well explained yet. Saxon history is an area of history that has been overlooked as the Vikings and World Wars have garnered much more attention. David Field is crafting a comprehensive look at the events of this highly influential time period, the results should be outstanding.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional thoughts: As someone who is interested in the Tudor time period, it is fascinating to see the problems with various factions began back in the early Saxon age. Everyone wants to be the king!