Chicken Dinner News by Jeff Billington


Publisher: Vine Leaves Press

Length: 284 pages

Publication date: June 20, 2023

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Ryan Shipley enjoyed his life in California. His father had died years ago, his mother lived in California too. Ryan had family in a small town in Missouri but wasn’t in touch with them. When he was notified of his grandfather’s passing, he intended to go and sort through whatever he had to quickly. He knew his grandfather lived in a small town in Missouri that was slowly fading away. When he arrived, he was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love for his grandfather, and by the enormity of the job his grandfather left him. What would he do with aging buildings in a barely alive town?

In the reader’s introduction to Ryan, he has closed himself off to any possibility of appreciation for Missouri. He holds a grudge against his grandfather for failing to come and visit, even though Ryan understands his grandfather’s job. Will anything or anyone be able to crack this shell? As he experiences family life, Ryan transforms. He arrived as a disinterested complainer. At the funeral, he is amazed at the outpouring of love and gratitude for his grandfather. He begins to see the problems that face small-town America. Can these small towns change into points of interest again? Anyone who has lived in a small town or visited a small town will relate to this story. This is a thoughtful look at tough choices, expectations, and heritage.

I have lived in big cities and small towns. Currently, I live in a small town in Georgia. Unless you have exposure to a small town, its issues are not well known. Small towns have beautiful town squares where everyone gathered to socialize. The historic buildings found in these town squares can be adapted to new tenants. It is evident that Jeff Billington understands the allure of the small town. He does an excellent job describing the glimpse into the past that these buildings provide.

There are many special moments in this book. It is heartwarming to see the main character mature as he experiences the lessons life has for him. I enjoyed this story and recommend it to readers of family sagas, coming-of-age stories, or midwestern fiction. (Truthfully, I don’t know if there is a category for Midwestern fiction but I’m making one on my page! 😁

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻/5

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