The Wayward Reader

Book reviews

A Week at the Shore by Barbara Delinsky

I received this book as an Advanced Reader Copy from St. Martin’s Press.

Mallory Aldiss hasn’t been back to her childhood home in years. Twenty years. A phone call from an old boyfriend challenges her to return. Her father is failing – Alzheimer’s. Since she left, her sister Anne has been the one taking care of the family home and their father. Apparently their dad has a gun and has threatened people with it.

Mallory and her daughter, Joy, head to Bay Bluff, Rhode Island to visit for a week. Her daughter has never been to the place where her mother grew up. The surprise visit upsets her sister. Anne feels that Mallory has arrived to criticize her and her efforts with their father. Tom Aldiss was a judge. He was stern and uninvolved with his family. When he sees Mallory he first believes she is her older sister, Margo. Mallory and Tom have never had a good relationship and there is a certain awkwardness in their reunion.

This book is a perfect escape from the current craziness we all find ourselves in. The descriptions of Bay Bluff are vivid and describe a locale so beautiful that I want to travel there myself. The story is bittersweet as the estranged sisters all work to determine how they can help their dad. Like many older parents, Tom is determined not to have any help. He doesn’t want to go to the doctor, get medicine or prolong his life in any manner. This is such a difficult wish to honor. His daughters want more time with him and he has had enough.

Many years ago he took the neighbor’s wife out on his boat and when he returned she was missing. Her body was never recovered and the mystery has been unsolved. Tom’s daughters are hoping that in his moments of clarity, he will finally tell them what happened. Will it be as he said or will they be left wondering what is missing? As they discuss plans for their father and relive some of their childhoods, it is interesting to see what each sister shares. The story portrays the reunion of siblings quite well. The author shows each daughter grappling with her own insecurities and position in the family. It is not an idyllic week of vacation.

Old memories, feelings, frustrations, and fears all need to be dealt with. Slowly the family navigates through the issues. True to any family situation, there are hurt feelings and ultimately a strengthened bond and love.

I haven’t read a Barbara Delinsky book in many years. She is a master at describing the charm and quaintness of small towns. I am so glad that I received this book and had the opportunity to reacquaint myself with her writing. I know that I will be on the lookout for her next book and plan to go back a read some that I’ve missed.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: This is a really well-rounded book. There is mystery, tragedy, and romance all in just the right proportion to provide us with an excellent book.