The Wayward Reader

Book reviews

A Touch of Deceit by Gary Ponzo

I won this book from GoodReads. This is the book that has introduced Gary Ponzo’s character Nick Bracco who will appear in subsequent books. In this initial offering, Nick Bracco is asked to help find a Kurdish terrorist who has a score to settle with the United States. This terrorist decides to fire missiles at homes across the U.S. Nick is a member of the FBI Terrorism Task Force that is trying to locate the Kurd.

Nick will involve his cousin when he needs some “off the book” assistance. This book is action-packed. Unfortunately, I never was able to get into the story. I never felt the pull to continue reading and set this aside several times. I was bothered by the relationship that Nick has with his wife, it seemed unrealistic to think that his wife wouldn’t worry about him knowing his line of work.

The book itself is well written and judging by the number of books in the series it is very popular but just didn’t engage me. After reading this book I have learned that this type of story just isn’t my type.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻

Additional Thoughts: This type of thriller may not be for me but I am sure there are many others that will love Mr. Ponzo’s book.