The Wayward Reader

Book reviews
Fiction Horror

A Paroxysm of Fear by Chad Miller

Publisher: Hear Our Voice, LLC

Publication Date: February 2, 2023

Length: 241 pages

I received this book from the author for an honest review. To fully appreciate this book, please read the first book, Prisoner Of Fear.

A Paroxysm Of Fear is the second and final book in Chad Miller’s Doyle & Braham series. In this series, two friends, John Doyle, and Thomas Braham investigate unusual occurrences. John Doyle was contacted by the sister of his friend, Dr. Charles Horton. Dr. Horton had vanished and his sister feared foul play. Doyle and Braham investigated and they finally located Dr. Horton. In the course of their investigation, they discovered another mystery. Doyle & Braham encountered a young woman named Cordelia. They were baffled by how Cordelia had transformed from a normal young lady into a horrifying monster. To solve this they decided to visit the doctors that treated Cordelia. Would one of them prove to be the monster creator? While they were on this trek, they enlisted the help of Thomas’ niece, Scarlett, to attend the trial of Cordelia’s mother. Would Mrs. Bethel reveal anything during her trial? What other surprises await the investigators?

Chad Miller creates a satisfying ending to the series. The characters Doyle and Braham bicker often, reminiscent of The Odd Couple. At times, each of their strengths will save the day. My favorite addition to the duo is Scarlett. She is a wonderful breath of fresh air. Living in a society that discouraged educated females, Scarlett gracefully preserves. Her flaw? She suffers from the impetuosity of youth. Will this flaw aid or hurt her?

This second part of the story develops slowly at first, gaining speed and ending shockingly. I was surprised by the ending, which is always the sign of a good book. Make no mistake, this story is gruesome. If you are squeamish, good luck. This book does a terrific job of engaging the reader. Chad Miller has an excellent imagination and I can’t wait to read his next book.

My Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻/5